November 24, 2009

"Post Office" is apparently synonomous with "Sucking Hole of Time and Money"

So I went to the post office yesterday because after seven weeks, I finally got the notice that my package had arrived. So first of all, even though there are main branches of the post office, there is no guarantee as to which branch your mail will go to. And apparently it has nothing to do with where you live. So I took a taxi, and the ride was so far that it ended up being $5, which is OUTRAGEOUS for here. When I got there, I went up to the desk and had to pay $1.85 in a tax for I don't know what, and then I proceeded to wait with the other patrons. For two hours. My number was 97, and they were on 58. So finally they called my number, and they took me into this back room. The guy looked at my paperwork (because you have to have the notice of arrival, two copies of your passport, and another form that they give you) and then showed me the package. But he didn't give it to me, he just let me look at it. Then I had to go to another desk, where another man pointed out the weight of the box listed on the paperwork, and asked me if I still wanted it. Of course I want it, why would I have waited two hours if I didn't even want it. So after I confirm that yes, I definitely want my package, I have to go to another line where they plug the weight and value of the package into a computer program and it gives you the ultimate cost of the package. So they compute it, and for my package of peanut butter and ritz, it is $55.22. This is absolutely not a joke. So upon seeing my expression, the man tells me that I dont have to pay it, they can just send it back to the US. But upon being returned to the US, whoever reclaims the package will have to repay whatever it cost to send it in the first place. So my options are effectively to pay the $60, or send it home for $70. I decide to save the $10 and just pay it, luckily I brought all the cash I had (about $60) and was able to. So after I again confirm that yes, I still want the package, I have to go to the bank branch that is conveniently located right inside the post office and pay the 55.22. But of course the bank takes another tax of about $2 while their at it. So now I have this stamped packet of papers and a reciept (not to mention NO money to get home) I go back and wait at the Customs window, and a man rechecks my paperwork. Then I get to go back into the back room and a man opens my package in front of me, digs through it, and re tapes it up. From there, I am escorted back to the main lobby with my paperwork, I stand in line at yet another window, and then FINALLY I recieve my package of freaking crackers. And the best part? The only part of the whole box that I really even cared about was the card in the bottom, which had conveniently been covered in applesauce when one broke and subsequently covered in mold during the next few weeks in transit. It was so moldy that I couldn't even open it. Awesome. So we paid in total about $130, I spent three hours at the post office, and I didn't even get to look in the card. Ugh.

So what I learned is that if you send something here, it HAS to be less than 4 kilograms. If it is, then I believe my fees would have only totaled about $8 instead of $60.

Anyways. My family is having someone redo their bathroom, and I was informed last night that they would be using mine, and furhtermore, I was basically not to interfere with David or Christina's morning routine, meaning that if I wanted to shower or use the bathroom in the morning for anything besides peeing, I would have to get up earlier and be done by 7 because that is what time David will need the bathroom. Kind, right? I just love this family...the things that they pull just keep getting better and better.

For Thanksgiving, I have recently found out that despite the fact that I told them WEEKS ago that they were invited to Thanksgiving, they forgot and now can't make it. DUH. So I am now spending the morning with Marlo baking cookies, and then I am going to CIMAS for Lunch alone, but with everyone else's families.

In other news, I have decided that I don't think that I will be going to Peru. The people that I would have been going with want to fly, and I just don't really think that is feasable on my budget right now. Not to mention that I don't really like one of the people that I would be going basically I just think that I'm gonna skip. Which means that I have to find something to do with myself for the two weeks that I would have been in Peru. Ugh I have been really frustrated with everything lately, and I really dont see an end in sight. But the good news? 194 days left.

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