December 8, 2009

December 8, 2009:

So my bed at this house is the only thing that I could find to complain about. And that was because it was hard. Like if you knocked in the middle, you could literally hear your knuckles pounding against something hard. So last night, Tara and I investigated and discovered that whoever put the bed together put the box spring on top of the mattress. Which was why it was so awful. But now, we fixed it, and it is much more pleasant. Other than the bed situation, I really like it here. The family is SO nice, I am allowed to use all of the appliances and basically do anything just like a family member. It’s great. I think that next quarter will go much more smoothly because of this.

I gave my 13 year old brother (who I totally adore) peanut butter to try yesterday, but I don’t think he liked it. It’s so weird to me that no one here eats peanut butter. They think that peanuts are really bad for the liver, and even better: whenever someone eats peanuts, they complain that their liver hurts, as if you can feel your liver like your stomach.

Today was the inauguration for the new building of CIMAS. It was a big formal production that started at 11 and was supposed to end at 1 for lunch. At 3:30, we finally were in line for food. It was SO long. Not to mention that after I left the house sin jacket, it started to rain. So it was FREEZING cold (haha even though it’s like 30˚ there I am complaining that it is cold here) and raining, and did I mention that it was an outdoor event?? Anyways so after four hours of sheer torture of speeches and indigenous rituals, we finally got to eat…traditional Ecuadorian food. Blek. I HATE traditional food. It is SO greasy and all meat and starch. But I did finally try cuy (guinea pig) and it was AWFUL. I am glad I tried it, but more glad that I didn’t pay for it.

When we got home, my mom and I had biscocho (which is like if a biscuit and a biscotti had a baby) with dulce de leche (which is in essence caramel) and tea. And it was delicious. Now I am sitting here waiting for the lights to come back on so I can do my laundry, but since it is 5:11 and they were supposed to be back at 5, I am not getting my hopes up for lights for the rest of the night.

I think that’s all I have to tell…I really love this family and am really excited to be here with internet and hot water on command and water pressure. It’s awesome. But of course, there will be all that and more on Friday when I come back…at least now I have something to look forward to when I come back here. All my love to all for the next two days, because after that I can do it in person!

1 comment:

  1. Sounds like you will be much happier with your new "family". Hopefully that will make the rest of your time in Ecuador that much easier to handle :) We miss you and can't wait to see you! Loves!!!!
