January 8, 2010

Back Again...

So as of about 11 last night, I am officially back in Ecuador. Let the next five months begin.

The airport and plane trips were pretty uneventful, I had a family of four with two LITTLE kids sit behind me on the first flight and let me tell you, those parents deserve a metal for how quiet they kept those kids. Kudos, parents, we all wish that there were more airborne parents like you in the world (and on our flights!). On the second plane [both of which were packed, and on both of which I had middle seats :( ], I sat between a woman who lived in Texas but was from Ecuador, and I got to practice a little more Spanish before I got to customs.

And then customs....So we all remember what a big hassle that it was for me to leave because I don't have a CENSO? Well guess who got the SAME customs official on the way back in?? I think he remembered me because of the look he gave me, but this time he didn't make things difficult and just let me go. Glad that's over and I will be getting my CENSO this week.

Also, I just found out that my former family (who told me week 1 that I had to leave because Gabi was coming in from London) has a new CIMAS student. So obviously they did have room for another student, apparently just not me. Wahtever, I like this family MUCH better. They were at the airport waiting for me when I got there last night, which totally saved me all the trouble of taking a taxi. And they put a desk in my room so that I have a place to work.

This morning, I woke up at 4 in the afternoon. How embarrassing. But since I really hadn't slept since about midnight on Thursday morning, I suppose it is alright. Still, I hope to not make this a habit because I have classes in two days.

But anyways, that's what has happened so far. I already miss eweryone and can't wait to come home in June!!

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