December 3, 2009

Some Random Things

Yesterday, we went to the museum of Guyasamin, who was basically the most famous painter in Ecuador (but he's dead now) and what do you know? It was boring. Like all of the museums that we go to here. Ugh. And! Even though we have a BUNCH of work to do in the last few days (like more work than we have had in the whole time here so far), we didn't even leave until two. And so we didn't get home until like 5. Which is REALLY late when you are accostomed to being home by 1:30.

So then because I was mad, I got a full manicure and pedicure for $16. It was a huge splurge considering my spending habits here, but it was WAY worth it.

Yesterday for lunch, we went to an almuerzo (a restaurant with a set lunch for $1.50) and we had nuggys...i.e. chicken nuggets. Awesome...learning new words every day!

This morning, and every other morning, the man that goes to the same bus stop as me greeted me as usual, then refered to me as "Muneca" (for those of us who don't speak Spanish, that's "doll") and asked me how old I was. Too old for you sir, please don't talk to me. Luckily, this was my last day at that bus stop because as of tomorrow I am moving! I will be sad to leave my house that I know, but then again at my new house I will have internet and an oven, so I guess it's for the best.

It has kind of begun to rain here, so hopefully the light-cutting will end soon...until then we still have been living without lights. I think today we don't have them from 11-5...I am really excited to be back in the states if for nothing else, only to have lights 24/7.

Love to all, see you soon!

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